Degenerative Valve Disease

Within the heart, there are four one-way valves that ensure that blood flows in a forward direction to supply oxygen nutrients to the body. Time and genetic factors may cause these valves to degenerate. As the valves degenerate, the one-way valve begins to leak. The leaking of blood causes a splashing sound, heard as a murmur when your veterinarian listens to your pet’s heart. Some pets with valvular degeneration may show no overt signs of a problem; the murmur may be found incidentally during your pet’s wellness examination. Some pets may develop heart failure over time as the valves continue to degenerate. Symptoms of heart disease include: cough, exercise intolerance, collapse, and lethargy. Diagnosis of degenerative valve disease requires a physical examination and imaging studies (e.g.: chest x-rays, electrocardiogram, and heart ultrasound). Treatment for degenerative valve disease depends on the severity of the condition; the primary goal is to minimize the workload on the heart.

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Please use the form below to request your prescription refill or food item. This will save you time when picking up your order. Many prescriptions require your pet to be examined.

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